Giveaway: Everyuth Naturals Peel off fairness Mask - Indian Beauty Forever
Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Giveaway: Everyuth Naturals Peel off fairness Mask

Giveaway: Everyuth Naturals Peel off fairness Mask
Hi everyone!!

There is a small giveaway for you guys, where 2 winners can win these 2 Everyuth naturals Fairness Peel off masks.

Giveaway: Everyuth Naturals Peel off fairness Mask
Giveaway: Everyuth Naturals Peel off fairness Mask

It’s easy and simple. All you have to do is follow:
Everyuth Naturals on Face book Here
Everyuth naturals onTwitter here

Tell us in the comments your tip for “Instant glowing and bright skin at home”
Mention your FB and Twitter name also

Contest will end on 15th december
Giveaway: Everyuth Naturals Peel off fairness Mask Reviewed by Niesha on 12:34 am Rating: 5 Giveaway: Everyuth Naturals Peel off fairness Mask Hi everyone!! There is a small giveaway for you guys, where 2 winners can win...


  1. nice and glowing give away .. :p

    fb name: Snigdha Prusti
    Twitter name: @snigdha _fairy

    Tips: Take gram flour,turmeric powder,lemon juice/rose water and glycerine & mix well to form a semi thick pack then apply on clean face and neck,and keep it for 20-30min. Then wash with lukewarm water. Follow this thrice a weak. It gives natural glow to face. And the big thing is drink max. 3lt. water every day.
    Thank u..

  2. lovly give way :* Hope to win
    fb name - shilpa sahgal
    twitter name - @shilpasahgal1
    tip is take banana, baking soda,chandan powder and rose water mixed eachother. and apply full face and hand ... wash with warm water. .. :) u hav got a glowing skin and full healthy .

  3. This is a great Giveaway Niesha ,

    My Instant fairness and glowing skin recipe would be a mixture of Gram flour, a pinch of turmeric and a teaspoon of cold raw milk . .Applying this and cleaning it with rose water helps keep to brighten skin naturally.

    FB : Sayantani Ghosh D (

  4. These are some essential and basic tips to keep in mind:
    -The most important ingredient for glowing skin is WATER. Drink atleat 8 glasses a day.
    -Avoid touching your face evrytime, because dirt and germs from your hands get transferred to your face and result in breakouts.
    -Always make sure that you wash your face everytime you are back home from a tiring day!

    -Finally apply face pack made from from natural ingredient: My favourite pack is the banana face pack:
    Mix mashed bananas, yoghurt, turmeric, honey and rose water & apply this onto your face every alternative days!
    All these ingredients work as a natural moisturizer and help in maintaining a youthful glow.

    Follow these easy tips and you'll have more reasons to love yourself! :)

  5. My instant glowing tip - Take a spoonful of honey and mix at least half cup of fresh milk in it.. Now, apply this magical mask on face and get instant bright and glowing skin in 15 mins :)
    Facebook- Raj pratap Singh
    Twitter -@beautifulhameshablog

  6. FB: Sharon Monis
    Twitter handle: @sharonmonis

  7. My Facebook Name : Bidisha Banerjee

    Twitter handle : @bidisha16

    Email Id :

    My tips for getting instant glowing and bright skin are :

    1.I take 2 tbsp oats, 2 tbsp yogurt, 1 tsp honey and powdered almonds. Mix them together to make a fine paste and apply it on my face for 10 minutes. Then I rinse with warm water to get an instant sheen.

    2.Drinking the juice of watermelon, apple, carrot and lemon helps fight the free radicals that damage the skin and enables me to get a blemish –free and glowing complexion in a month’s time.

    3.Also I add 1 tsp dried curry leaves to fuller’s earth and make a fine paste. I apply it to my face and leave it on until it completely dries. Then I wash with normal water. This helps deep cleanse the skin and removes all the traces of pollution and dirt. Using this treatment regularly helps the skin get rid of any blemishes and keeps you glowing and dirt free.

    4. Also using a combination of coconut and sea salt helps impart a natural glow to the skin with regular use.

    5.Making a paste of red sandal wood, I apply it on the face every day for glowing skin.

    Thanks for the lovely Giveaway.

  8. FB: Radha Krishnakumar

    My Tip for Instant Glowing Skin:
    Clean your face by Raw milk,
    Scrub your face by Rice flour+Curd mixture,
    Steam your face,
    Now put the Besan+Curd face pack
    Wash it and see how your face ha brighten and glowing.

  9. I get instant glowing bright skin at home by using a mixture of lemon and rose water on my face.. it works for me :)
    Twitter id:

  10. Fb name -Seema Rastogi
    Twitter name @RastogiSeema

    A proper cleansing routine helps to get rid of pollution which gets settled on the skin during the day.
    Always use a cleanser/ facewash suitable for your skin type instead of soap...It is always beneficial....

  11. FB Name - Sangita Nimmagadda
    Twitter handle - @justsangy

    Tip - A splash of cold water on face gives an instant brightness to the face. So does the rubbing of ice cube on face.

  12. Mix 1-part plain yogurt and 1-part honey and apply to clean, moist face. Let it set for 10-15 minutes and rinse well with warm water. The mixture moisturizes, hydrates and soothes the skin. Honey can be used as a minor acne treatment.

    Facebook: Bhavani Sekar
    Twitter id: @Poojadalu

  13. Nice give away.
    Apply honey and wash it off after 15 min, it is simple yet effective.

    twitter:Subha kc

  14. Apple peel can be used as an excellent skin cleanser. Gently rub the inner side of the apple peel on your face in an upward direction. Wash it off with cold water and get an instant glow.
    Facebook name: Divya Asha
    Twitter ID: @DivyaAsha

  15. Fb name- Er Nam
    Twitter Name- @ Namrata Rastogi
    Make a paste of 2 table spoons of cream (malai), 1½ table spoons of Atta (wheat flour ) and few drops of lime juice. Daily apply this paste on your face for 5 minutes, then remove it and wash.It will add a glow to ur face...

  16. Fb name: Saloni goel
    Twitter: oni_goel

    My tip for instant glowing and bright skin>>>
    ** Face pack**
    I just love grapes and honey for myself as my dry skin is moisturised with honey and grapes brighten it. Its my favourite winter pack.
    1. Take some grapes around 5-10 (green or black) and mash them with a fork.
    2. Add few drops of honey and mix well
    3. apply for 15 minutes and wash off.
    Flaunt your beautiful skin.

    1.Next, a very simple one. Just take raw milk
    2.apply on face and do a little massage with finger tips
    3. let it dry and then remove it by rubbing with fingers.
    Wash off. A very effective one and works with every skin type.

    1. For instant brightening, highlighter is a must.
    Use highlighter on the brow bone, cheek bone and on the inner corners of eyes.
    It will give an instant glow and bright look.

  17. mix sugar,lemon juice and oatmeal and apply on face for instant brightness, scrub and wash off.
    FB Missbee Bipasha
    twitter bipashareviews

  18. waoiooo its a interesting and lovly giveway
    I cannot these kind of face wash and peel mask."

    but its sound so interesting, exotic and fresh.
    natural products I love it :*

  19. waoiooo its a interesting and lovly giveway
    I cannot these kind of face wash and peel mask."

    but its sound so interesting, exotic and fresh.
    natural products I love it :*


  21. Hi,
    thnx for the lovely giveaway n also for keeping it quite simple :)

    I apply a thick paste of Besan + Haldi + Unboiled Milk + Few Drops of Sesame Oil on my face, neck and arms. Let it remain on skin for apprx 5-6 mins and rub it gently after that. It reduces skin tanning while giving soft radiant skin instantly. Wash it off with lukewarm water later. Occasionally, a li'l bit of Chandan Powder can be added for natural fragrance.
    And when i'm in a hurry, i prefer rubbing on my face a mixture of milk cream and haldi powder for instant supple feel and freshness.
    So, Enjoy savings for not buying expensive beauty products as well as get compliments from everyone :)

    FB NAME: Shilpa Bindlish
    Twitter: @artisanme79

  22. I am a bit lazy so when it comes to instant glow, use equal quantity of gulab jal, lemon n glycerin n make a thick mixture, just apply this mix on face n it gives instant as well as long lasting glow
    FB NAME: shikha mittal
    Twitter: @shikhamittal6

  23. This lotion suits all skin type and is quite easy to make.
    1.Take around 9-10 lemon and squeeze them in a bowl
    2.Now take rose essense(gulab jal) and add it into the mixture,
    3 Add glycerin.
    Apply this lotion on face with a cot­ton swab directly.

    FB NAME: Shikha mittal
    Twitter: @shikhamittal6

  24. fb name:preet kumari
    twitter: @drpreetianan

    Step 1: The magic potion for a radiant face
    Collect a tablespoon of gram flour, honey and half a cup of milk in a small bowl. Blend these ingredients vigourously with a spoon and keep aside.

    Step 2: Initial clean up is a must
    Dip a ball of cotton in cold rosewater. Wipe it across your face and neck to remove any accumulated dirt. Cleansing your skin is an important step towards a glowing face.

    Step 3: Open up the pores to make way for nourishment
    Heat water in a pot, just enough to comfortably dip your finger into. Take a clean towel or napkin and soak it in. Make sure to wring it to remove excess water and cover your face with it for 2-4 minutes. Repeat this step at least 4 times to open your the pores.

    Step 4: Pack to glow
    Apply the concoction (from step 1) all over your face. Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with splashes of cold water. Say hello to a glowing face!

  25. Step 1: The magic potion for a radiant face
    Collect a tablespoon of gram flour, honey and half a cup of milk in a small bowl. Blend these ingredients vigourously with a spoon and keep aside.

    Step 2: Initial clean up is a must
    Dip a ball of cotton in cold rosewater. Wipe it across your face and neck to remove any accumulated dirt. Cleansing your skin is an important step towards a glowing face.

    Step 3: Open up the pores to make way for nourishment
    Heat water in a pot, just enough to comfortably dip your finger into. Take a clean towel or napkin and soak it in. Make sure to wring it to remove excess water and cover your face with it for 2-4 minutes. Repeat this step at least 4 times to open your the pores.

    Step 4: Pack to glow
    Apply the concoction (from step 1) all over your face. Leave it on for about 10-15 minutes. Wash it off with splashes of cold water. Say hello to a glowing face!
    facebook name:preet kumari


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Niesha Jeenwal