Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review - Indian Beauty Forever
Tuesday, 3 December 2013

Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review

Dove Essential Nourishment Body Lotion

Hi everyone!!
Which is the first word that comes to your mind when we think of winters? For me, it’s Dryness!! In winters, skin gets dry and those who have already dry skin needs something extra. I will review Dove Essential Nourishment Body Lotion for normal to dry skin today which I got last to last week. They are the newly launched ones.
Price- 200 rupees for 250 ml and 100 ml smaller pack is for 80 rupees.
Ingredients: check the image.
This Dove body lotion comes in a white regular bottle nothing extra special to talk about other than a little loose flip top cap. It smells like most of the other body lotion with some other notes some essential oil.
Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review, price
Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review
Its consistency is more on the thicker side and gets absorbed into the skin within a couple of minutes when you massage it for some time.
I have one more variant from these two newly launched dove body lotions and the other one which is meant for the normal skin smells divine and has Shea butter. Stay tuned review would be coming soon! :D
Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review ingredients
Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review

Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review
Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review
Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review, variants
Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review

I am highly impressed with these Dove body lotions, especially the other one.
My feet can be the second most driest thing after deserts on this planet!! kidding But they are unforgivably dry.
Most of the body lotions that I use keep them hydrated for around a couple of hours. Then again, my feet will get dry.Yes, I have reviewed a lot of body lotions so far but this I can say so far, it is the best along with the other one. Reason being a decent quantity is good enough and after you have massaged it into your skin, you can instantly feel that your skin gets moisturized and glows as scaly and dry skin looks dull. 
I am using this without fail every night before going to bed and after the shower. Throughout the day, it keeps my skin well moisturized and that is what we want from our body lotions. Right?
No one wants to slather their lotions every now and then, same is with me. I can say that, it is the best pocket friendly body lotion for dry skinned people
I have normal skin except for the feet as I mentioned above, so I take a decent quantity but if you have very dry skin, take a bit more and see the positive changes in your skin.
I think it is as nourishing as a body butter which are thicker and comparatively expensive than body lotions.

Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review
Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review

I have not tried their previous Go fresh body lotion but these are my HG lotions so far in this price range. I also liked vaseline Healthy white body lotion

Pros of Dove Body Lotion
Affordable, you can try the small pack at 80 rupees
Hydrates the skin very well
Has essential oils like sunflower seed oil that nourishes the skin
Keeps skin moisturized for a longer time
Smell is very mild, your nose wont crib
Skin is moisturized but not greasy.

Cons of Dove Body Lotion
It has parabens but most of the products and all the lotions have it, so accept these.

Rating- 5 out of 5

Take- I am really impressed with these Dove body lotions due to their extremely hydrating formula that nourishes from within. I am recommending these to all of you and boys you too, dry skin isn’t cool! :D

Dove Body Lotion for Normal to Dry skin Review Reviewed by Niesha on 8:00 am Rating: 5 Dove Essential Nourishment Body Lotion Hi everyone!! Which is the first word that comes to your mind when we think of winters? ...


  1. This looks so good...will gonna get it first...great review dear :)

  2. Sounds perfect for my skin this winters! Nicely reviewed dearie!

  3. Hey nice review there. Loved readin it.

  4. Nice review niesha..I love dove products...beautiful clicks too :*:*

  5. lovely clicks :) Nice Review Niesh :D

  6. This will be really good for winters.. nice review Niesha :)

  7. Will try this next. Nice review dear :)

  8. I want to try now after reading this great review thanks for sharing.

  9. Beautifully reviewed Niesh :)
    It really looks a great product for winters - I would love to cash onto this one - Do they have a variant for combi-oily skin ?

    1. Thank you Vipra.<3
      Combi- oily skin for body kya dear.. Then you can try Go fresh one. :)

  10. Neish first tell me the secret of your so clear pics sachi me btana, coming to the product I love this lotion it works so well.

    1. I love it too!!
      There is no secret dear, it all depends on lighting when you give proper lighting then camera works at its best when it comes to clarity. Try taking pictures in day light and take pictures of 5-6 products at a time so, that you save time. :)

    2. Thanks for this lil secret of ur clear pics, I usually take clicks in day light only but still can't get them clear.

    3. Try to press the shutter button with minimal camera movement and keep the camera as steady as possible. This also prevents blurring and rest depends on the model of the camera.

  11. These do worl well on normal skin but the drier skins will need something better especially in winters. I tried the shea butter variant and it fared pretty ok on me.

    1. I love the shea butter one more. they are really good.


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Niesha Jeenwal