Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review - Indian Beauty Forever
Friday, 6 September 2013

Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review

Dove Elixer Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review
Hello girls!!
You might have seen Dove’s latest hair oil ads going on air and Today, I will review Dove Elixer Rose and Almond oil for hair fall. They have got other variants as well but  I chose this one as it claims to reduce hairfall. 
By the way do you really think they do cure hairfall? I think in most of the cases they don’t therefore, I use it like regular oil.
You can buy this oil for 180 rupees and this is available on drugstores and most of the online shopping websites in India.

Dove Elixer Rose and Almond oil
Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review
What I find interesting about this product is its packaging. It is very interesting for hair oil. It looks more like a perfume bottle and made up of glass with a pump dispenser on the top. I have been thinking, what is the use of a pump for taking out oil. Firstly, it is very tight and it’s such a pain taking out the oil from it. Moreover, no matter how much care you take, the bottle will get oily or when you use the oil and want to take some more, then you will obviously use your oily hands to take out the oil again so, by doing this, the bottle will get oily and Imagine what if it slip out of your hands as it can happens since the dispenser is too tight and the bottle crashes.. Argh!! your money goes down the drain. I really dislike the packaging for that!
Undoubtedly, it looks beautiful but what’s the use of the beautiful packaging when it can serve the purpose well.
Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review
Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review

Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review
Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review
One more thing, did you see those tiny dried rose petals at the bottom? I couldn't understand the need to put them there, since no ways they will come out of the pump or will be absorbed in the scalp. :P  might be they have been added to make it look more beautiful or maybe some of their extracts gets mixed up in the oil. :D Sheer genius, who created this :P

Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review
Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review

Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review
Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review

This oil has got almond oil and rose oil and it claims to reduce hair fall though they have also mentioned that hair fall due to breakage which means it can make the hair soft and smooth so that there are lesser tangles and eventually less hair fall which I agree as hairfall can be caused by various factors like environment, stress, pollution etc so just by putting some nourishment into your scalp, we can not possibly cure it fully.
I would say we should stay stress free if you want to really reduce your hair fall and stop worrying about the things you have no control over. I know it sounds preachy but trust me friends, I had followed it and condition my self like this long ago.. and since then stress level has come down, while the external conditions may be still the same. Not just your skin and hair, it actually improves the overall quality of your life.
I realized, I got diverted from the topic! :P Anyways, moving back, this hair oil smells good, and just like a regular oil, I use it to massage my hair once a week at night and then shampoo the next day in the morning.Hair felt soft and silky but honestly, there was nothing which I noticed extraordinary about this hairoil which other hair oils a bit cheaper than this cannot do except for it’s unique packaging for a hair oil. Moreover, if you will see in the ingredients list it contains silicones and mineral oils.

Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review

I would say it’s packaging is to lure consumers to buy it and feel as if they have applied something extremely good that can solve their hair problems like hairfall, dryness etc which isn’t the case as you can also use almond oil in a normal plastic bottle, much cheaper than this and yet giving equal effects. What say??
Moving on to Pros and cons of Dove elixir Rose and almond oil

Fancy beautiful packaging.
Almond oil and rose oil nourishes the hair.
Helps dry and damaged hair 
Makes hair shiny

Packaging looks good but not at all user friendly.
No extra ordinary effects that an regular almond oil can not do.
Contains Mineral oil

Rating- 3 out of 5

My take: I wont say that the Dove Elixir hail oil is a bad product but it is nothing more than the ordinary hair oils. Packaging is beautiful and attractive though not user friendly and it’s such a pain to take out the oil from that very tight pump which squirts very less amount and prompts you to press it again and again. If you want to try it go ahead else go for any other oil or almond oil. I will not recommend it! 
You can read some great Natural remedies to make hair thicker on my new site dedicated to skincare and health, Tips and Beauty  Here
Dove Elixir Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review Reviewed by Niesha on 2:31 pm Rating: 5 Dove Elixer Rose and Almond oil Hair fall rescue Review Hello girls!! You might have seen Dove’s latest hair oil ads going on air ...


  1. Nice review Niesha :) BUt seems not good product :(

  2. I love the packaging a lot and I'm yet to try this one.. sounds decent :) Nice reiew :)

    1. Thnak you Gowmi! :)
      packaging is great dear but very messy too use and it is no special than another oil. moreover, it has silicones.

  3. The packaging though cute isnt practical. Nice review :)

  4. The biggest con is that it has 78% mineral oil! When the ad talks about precious oils, I'm sure they arent referring to the high mineral oil ratio.

    1. Even I doubt what precious oils it contains. It's better to use normal pure almond oil.

  5. The pakaging is nce but all those siliccones in ingredients .. :-| :-|
    I would prefer to go for a regular Almond oil.. :D :D

    1. Absolutely Poo! Packaging looks good but is messy and not at all user friendly moreover, it contains mineral oils and silicones. Even I will recommend, its better to use organic almond oil!

  6. Nice Review Niesh seems not good to try :)

  7. I dont like it :(

  8. very true review niesha !!!!!!!!!!!

  9. Packaging is a real beauty .. Beautifully reviewed Niesh :) I was looking for a review on this from ur end as I had high hopes but sounds soo decent .. I got coconut oil from TBS yesterday - Hope it turns a good one :)

    1. Packaging is undoubtedly beautiful and adorable but difficult to use and the actual product is below average. I hope the same dear. I have heard good things about TBS coconut oil.:)

  10. Nice review dear :)
    I love the packaging too..:)

  11. packaging is lovely but sad to know that product isnt tht gud...I think olive oil will do better...well nyc review hny :)

    1. Thank you Ritcha! :) You are right olive oil works much more better than this or even pure almond oil as well.:)

  12. When it was launched initially it created such mania on blogosphere. It promised a lot but did not deliver. Your review is apt. The packaging I have to agree is what created a big hype. Sadly the ingredients are not 'Dovey' enough or all natural. That is where the product has failed completely. After seeing the ingredient list, which I am happy they wrote properly, I never bought it.

    1. Absolutely Coral. Blogs were flooded with this. I am not at all impressed with this oil. I better stick with my olive oil or Jojoba oil.
      Good, that you didn't wasted your money on this dear!:)

  13. nice review .. nice that i didnt pick it :P

    1. :D Good to hear that shweta. it wasn't worth the hype!

  14. love the packaging
    nice reviews

  15. I have been curious about this product for a very long time. I was really tempted to buy it & at one point I almost bought it. But boy! am I glad I didn't! Like you said, I too kept debating over the same issue. I mean, after all a pure almond/olive/coconut oil is any day going to be much better for the hair. & now after reading your review I have finally made up my mind. Definitely not gonna buy it ever! Thank you so much for the review.Helped me a lot. :)

    1. You are right Payel! Pure and organic almong/olive oil is way too better than using this oil with silicones and mineral oils.
      I am glad the review helped you! :)

  16. This wasn't worth the Hype At All!
    I Too Brought One and When I Read 70% Mineral Oil, I Was Like "Whaaa!"

    Very Nice Review!

    1. Thank you Heena! :) No it was not! I guess the packaging also contributes to its hype but sadly its nothing but a pain to use this pump dispenser to take out oil. Pure almond oil would be better to use than this.

  17. Thanks for the review, will skip it.

  18. The packaging is catchy and attractive. I haven't seen it over here and thanks for the honest review. You know what, like you said, being stress free is the best remedy to prevent hair falling.

    1. Glad you liked the review! I am someone who will not rely totally on skin care/hair care to solve problems as most of the problems can be due to our lifestyle so, I think we should try to change that first and most importantly, that doesn't cost anything.:)

  19. The packaging is certainly attractive but seems like its another ordinary products. I have tried and tested lots of hair oil but nothing to shout about. I am currently sticking with Pantene daily conditioner and I have to tell you that is the best I have discovered so far.

    1. Is it? thanks for informing me. I will definitely give that a try someday.

  20. I love its packaging but you written very honest review Neisha! It's too bad that it's just ordinary <3

    1. Thank you so much dear! I am glad u liked the review. :)

  21. Such a nice and honest review Niesha. I loved your review. Sure the packaging and bottle is attractive but not worth the money. In fact, I have a shop near to my home where I can take almonds and get the oil from them in front of my eyes. Once every 6 months, I get olive oil and almond oil mixed in equal quantities from that place and I use it for myself, my hubby and my son :) Its so good and pure. No more looking back to any other oil :) :)

    1. Thank you so much Charu! :) I use Olive oil and it works really good whenever I feel that my hair is getting dry. I will try almond oil and olive one as well. :) :)

  22. Nice and honest review! I like it, because it's very useful to know all cons. Packaging looks very nice, but looks like effect is not very strong..

    1. Thank you Egle! :) I would prefer pure almond oil over this.

  23. Great review! I was always so tempted to pick it up since it looked so pretty in the aisles, but never did coz my scalp is an oil factory!

    1. Thank you Aditi! Good you didn't buy it. For the past few days even my scalp is getting oil.. Time to go for some home remedies then.:)

  24. I totally agree with you Niesha, I also loved the packaging. But since you mentioned it contains silicone in one of your comments, i don't think it's a great product. Thanks for such an honest review!!

    1. Thank you so much Samar! :) It is just average better use the pure oils. It contains mineral oil as well.

  25. Great review lovely! There are so many hair oils out there it's hard to know which one is worth trying! This was very helpful! Thank you!XO

    1. Thank you Chelsea! :) I agree with you though i prefer Olive oil and almond oil in pure form.

  26. Nice reviw!! Doesnt sound like a must have product!

  27. I have the hibiscus one, didn't like it much, i don't even use it :(

    1. Same pinch for that Rajshree even I have stop using it!

  28. I am not fan of Dove haircare range

    1. I use their Shampoo and conditioner and they suit me a lot!:) but this one was a flash in the pan!

  29. Very honest review! I wanted to get this beofre but I saw that the max percentange is mineral oils only.. might as well use my coconut oil over that

    1. Thank you Swati! :)same here, even I will prefer coconut oil over this.

  30. I was in 2 minds about this product, thanks to you wont be buying it now :)
    xoxo <3

  31. Such lovely review totally agree best way to reduce hair fall is to stay stress free... I never had hairfall but since last month i m stressed like hell result : Bad hairfall.
    I now the reason and i now the solution but just can't handle :p

    1. Thank you dear! even I never had hairfall but for the past couple of years I had severe hairfall and then I realized why was that. I am glad that I dont stress anymore and my hair feel so good.:)
      I agree, still there are some situations where we cant handle and stress would creep in.:(

  32. finally finally finally... a honest review... i have thyroid n trust me nothing works... will not get this after reading ur review....

    1. Thank you Nats.:) It isn't worth the money dear.

  33. I love the rose petals at the bottom. So gorgeous, but more Fitting to a bath product or something.

  34. Ohhhh so bad. Will stay away from this. Great review Nieshu!

  35. I agree that a pump dispenser is not very convenient for something you intend to use everyday or may require more quantity of. And i am disappointed that this contains mineral oil. Truly it's something very ordinary in a misleadingly alluring fancy packing. Thanks for the review Niesha.

    1. I am still thinking dear, why they have given a pump as it gives a small quantity and bottle gets slippery which makes it more likely to slip and break. It has mineral oil, so I think we should better stick with the pure forms of the oils used in this range. I would agree that even when I know it is not that good, whenever I see the bottle I still get tempt to use it. blame it on its attractive packaging that makes us think it will do wonders for us.

    2. Yes a glass bottle getting slippery is what nobody would want and I am anyways a bit clumsy :) A few years ago i would have been lured too but with age I have become a little khadoos and check a lot before buying. Still I sometimes make mistakes.

    3. I used to always fear while using this that it will slip as the pump is a bit tight so when we apply a lot of force, it is more likely to slip as well.
      It's good dear that check a lot before buying as experience comes with age which is a great thing but still we are bound to makes mistakes. :)

  36. The product seems to be really disappointing, Thx for the review Niesha :-)

  37. A very good, informative and honest review on this product


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