DIY Home made hair mask with olive oil for silky hair - Indian Beauty Forever
Wednesday, 19 June 2013

DIY Home made hair mask with olive oil for silky hair

Hi Everyone!!

I noticed that from the past couple of days my hair felt quite dry especially the ends and even my conditioners were not able to get them back to their silky and smooth texture. So, as usual, when these readymade stuffs kind of fail, I always run for my DIY treatments and today, I will share a deep containing hair mask for soft, smooth and silky hair which is extremely easy to make, hassle free, natural and yet gives great results. I am talking about this Honey and olive oil hair pack. These are the things that are very easily available in our kitchen and can be used once a week or as required. 
How to make:
Take some Olive oil as required and according to your hair length and volume. Mix it with a bit lesser amount of honey as compared to olive oil, and mix both of them well. It will be good if you warm up, the honey as it will be easier to spread it on your hair. As they both cannot be mixed, you have to make sure that you stir it well while applying as they separates soon!
Here’s my mixture:(It's less, as after taking pics I added more)

I have used Figaro olive oil and applied the mixture well, concentrating on the ends. I realized that when the mixture is little warm then, it spreads easily and less messy. After that I tied my hair in a top knot like this and waiting .. and  waiting… bored… played Age of mythology…  it’s been over 30 minutes but I had to finish my game .:D So, I gave it more time!!

Anyways, after this I shampoo my hair and condition as usual.
Now, the effects:
  • It reduced the frizz,
  • Hair felt soft, smooth and shiny too!
  • Ends were smoother than before
  • There were no knots at all and while combing the brush just comes across effortlessly.
Honey helps making hair smooth and olive oil is well known to deep condition and repairs damage thereby making hair healthy. It isn’t as sticky as the other oils as well!

Here's my hair with and without flash. I have natural dark brown hair with reddish tent, that looks as if I have colored them or applied henna.:D...  I haven't combed them in the pics!

I really loved this hair mask and will be trying out a couple of more soon and will keep you updated.

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I will highly appreciate!

Till then take care and stay beautiful <3

DIY Home made hair mask with olive oil for silky hair Reviewed by Niesha on 11:00 am Rating: 5 Hi Everyone!! I noticed that from the past couple of days my hair felt quite dry especially the ends and even my conditioners were...


  1. I havent put any mask for monthss.. time to pamper hair.. will try this pack this weekend!!
    :) :)

    1. Same here Poo. But when I noticed my hair getting dry, it worked fab!! o give it a try!!

  2. forgot to mention you have such a beautiful hair.. I am so J....

  3. Along with it's antiseptic properties, honey is known to naturally lighten your hair-colour as well.
    I use the olive oil, honey and egg-white mask once in 10 days. If I use it more than that, it causes build-up in my scalp, and weighs down my hair. Alternatively, I keep the mask on for 2 hours, put on a shower cap and wrap it with a moist heated towel.
    The results are remarkable!

    1. Absolutely Vera, you are right!! Now I am planning to make an egg pack for shine. Thank you for adding your valuable comment on the topic!

  4. your hair looks amazing ... Thankx a lot for sharing such wonderful tips...

  5. Will do today itself..lovely u colour them?

    1. Sure Aditi. No, I dont color them, it's my natural color :)

  6. My My!
    Your Hair! Gorgeous :D

    Niesha, Can You Suggest Something For My Mom's Hair? She's in Her 50s and Has Tried a Lot of Expensive Treatments But No Significant Change :(

    1. Thanks dear!
      I swear by olive oil, it isn't as sticky and greasy as other oils but provides nourishment, when massaged and left overnight, thereby improving quality of hair. Suggest Aunty to use olive oil, I hope it will prove beneficial .:)

    2. I'm Going To Try It.. Thanks a Ton!:)

  7. love your hair! I will do this for sure :)

    1. Thank you pearl, I hope it shows good results on your hair too.:)

  8. It really made impact... your hair look so shiny.. I try fuller earth+water+oil combo... I hope it will attract attention and some flies too.. lol

    1. It does Shikhu.:)
      ha ha.. that was funny and it would have attracted them.. lol .:)

  9. You have very gorgeous hair...thanks for sharing this ...I will try this soon..:)

  10. your hair looks great
    wanna follow each other via gfc and bloglovin?

    1. Thank you Juelz. sure I will follow you .:)

  11. Thank you for sharing!
    Your hair is so nice!

  12. I use gingly oil instead of Olive oil but olive oil also effective Nice Tut dear :)

    1. I use olive oil as it isn't hard to get rid of.:)
      thank u Radha!

  13. Superb tip niesha.. thanks a ton for sharing this.. i need this coz ma hairs are getting bit dried & frizzy :)

    Hairs are looking great in the pics.. :)

    1. Thank you Vipra.:)
      I hopeo it works for your hair type too and you may also use oilve oil alone, if you dont want to use honey :)

  14. U have gorgeous hair dear!!! lovely! :)

  15. Great post, I would never think of putting those two things on my hair! Xx

  16. awesome post niesha..thanks for sharing dear :)
    me will definitely try this one

  17. wow, Niesha, what an incredible hair pack. you have luscious locks :)

    1. Thank you so much Coral .:)
      It does work.. yaay!!


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Niesha Jeenwal