Brihans Pure Cucumber gel Review - Indian Beauty Forever
Saturday, 20 October 2012

Brihans Pure Cucumber gel Review

Hello all,
If you remember few weeks ago, I have reviewed Brihans Pure aloe vera gel and along with that I have also bought this Brihans cucumber gel. Since I believe that they both share somewhat similar effects. Cucumber gel is known for its soothing and cooling effects and it also improves the skin texture and prevents from certain skin allergies too. moreover, it helps in getting rid of the excessive oil from the skin.

cucumber gel

Price-  75 INR
Quantity- 125 gm
cucumber gel

My Experience- I got it 6 months ago and used it quiet a lot of times. It says that it treats puffy eyes, dark circles, freckles, blackheads and tired eyes but I have used it like a pack more that means whenever my skin starts behaving badly and get dry at certain places inspite of being oily, then I feel the need to use this gel. I simply apply it and massage for few minutes and leave it for 15- 20 minutes and then rinse off. This is how I use it and it has given me good results so far and did not break me out yet. It has a bit of weird smell which I do not like and can't figure out why is that and in the composition apart from the cucumber juice nothing else is mentioned, which I am skeptical about. It has a self life of 3 years. You you aplly it like a gel and leave it then may feel a layer on your face. That is why i use it to massage and then rinse it off.

cucumber gel

And yes before applying foundation if you can apply this, then I have experienced that the foundation glides on smoothly.
I have used it as under eyes gel too but could not see any remarkable changes.
Overall, it is a cheap and effective product, give it a try and see if it works for you since I am satisfied with this gel.
Rating-  I would give it 4 out of 5

Brihans Pure Cucumber gel Review Reviewed by Niesha on 7:27 pm Rating: 5 Hello all, If you remember few weeks ago, I have reviewed Brihans Pure aloe vera gel and along with that I have also bought this ...


  1. Nice Review Neish :) I love using transparent gels on my skin.

    1. Thank you Lance!!
      You are right, even i like gels.

  2. good product for the price na niesha

  3. A gr8 Review :D will try it out for sure :D
    xoxo <3

  4. Great review Niesha... :)
    Will surely give it a try.....Wud have been nice if they had mentioned the ingredient list...Coz i try to avoid using anythng with parabens on my under eye area...

    1. Thank you Neha!! :)
      You are right eye area is very sensitive and we should take care of it :)

  5. Great product Neisha and Great review.... :)

  6. Great review Neisha
    I love using gels :D

  7. seems like something to try out. :)

  8. It sounds great! I would love to use it!

  9. my hubby got it and used it exactly twice...he always does that...gets something and then never ever uses it... i did try but this made my skin stretchy...

    1. ha ha ha.. even my brothers does that..:)
      its good for oily skin, i think.:)

  10. I tried it out but saw a redness under my eyes and nose.. I kept it for about 10 min and removed it as soon as I saw the part where the gel was apllied getting red! the redness remained there for about 15 min and then vanished!! didn't felt any itching or burning sensation though

    1. I think it's not for you then since when I used I have not faced anything like that. You may try patanjali aloe Vera gel or freshly extracted aloe Vera gel from Aloe Vera plant.


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Niesha Jeenwal