Basic Eye Makeup Brushes for beginners - Indian Beauty Forever
Wednesday, 11 December 2013

Basic Eye Makeup Brushes for beginners

Basic Eye Makeup Brushes for beginners

Hi everyone!!

Just like the face makeup brushes, eye makeup brushes are very important. That’s a different thing that you can still do the eye makeup using your fingers only! I will share some of my favorite eye related makeup brushes that I will recommend that the beginners should have and may start with. These are the basic brushes that can help you achieve most of the look and makes your eye makeup application a whole lot easier. 

Basic Eye Makeup Brushes
Basic Eye Makeup Brushes

Angled brush- This can be a multipurpose brush when it comes to eye makeup. With an angled brush you can fill in your eyebrows, apply eye shadows as eyeliner especially when you are not feeling like putting gels or liquids on your eyes or doesn’t want any harsh lines. Then an angled brush can be helpful as you just dip your brush in any eye shadow you want and line your lash line just the way, you do with an eyeliner.
Eye shadow brush – You might have seen those tiny applicators that come along with your eye shadow quads, duos and trios. Honestly, I am not a fan of sponge tip applicators as they makes the application a bit patchy, hence an eye shadow brush is something, you must have if you love eye makeup. Flat eye shadow brush is primarily used to pack or put the color on the lid which is the very basic step in any eye makeup. Vega and Audrey makes very cheap and affordable eye shadow brushes that you can try.


Tapered brush- Tapered blending looks like a blending brush but the bristles at the centre are pointed rather than the round dome shape of the normal lending brushes. Tapered blending brush is mostly used on the crease to darken it and at the same time blending the harsh edges.

Eyeliner brush- If you like liquid eyeliners and feel that your hand shakes or the line that 
you made is not even then try putting your liquid eyeliner with a liner brush. Reason being when you use the brush that comes along the bottle, you are actually holding the cap that is attached with the brush due to which your hands are more likely to shake whereas with eyeliner brushes, you get more controlled strokes and steady lines. Try it and experience it yourself. 

Smudger brush- These brushes can be of two types, one has a round sponge tip and other has bristles arranged in a dome like shape. Smudger brush can be handy, when you like to smudge your eyeliner pencil for a subtle and soft smokey look. They can be used under the lower lash line or waterline to give a complete smoked out eye look.

Fluffy Blending brush- This is one brush which is an absolute must have. Not only it helps blending but also creating a gradient while using multiple colors. Most importantly it softens the harsh edges. Blending brushes are fluffy in appearance and can vary in size. You should get one that suits your eye size. I mean, if you have small eyes and getting a large blending brush is not the best choice. I have seen cheap and affordable blending brushes on or buyincoins. Else if you really want to invest in brushes try Real techniques, Sigma, Mac, coastal scents etc.

So, that was all from me and those were the brushes which I think are basic and important enough to do a lot of eye makeup related tasks for you.

Basic Eye Makeup Brushes for beginners Reviewed by Niesha on 8:30 am Rating: 5 Basic Eye Makeup Brushes for beginners Hi everyone!! Just like the face makeup brushes, eye makeup brushes are very important....


  1. That is an excellent post! I have some of the brushes and didn't really knew what they are for.
    So to have a guide like this is very helpful!

    1. I am really glad Maya that it will be helpful!! :)

  2. really informative post niesha :)

  3. What a well written post! This is gonna be very helpful for the beginners!

    1. Thank you Lisha!! I really hope it helps.

  4. Good post Niesha! What are the brands of the brushes you featured? I am more looking at the last blending brush. :P

    1. Thanks Nivi!! Some are from Buyincoins and Tmart and the last one is Sigma E25. I have seen exactly same blending brush at buyincoins for around a dollar and the good thing is it is great in quality.

  5. Blending brush is absolutely essential as u rightly mentioned.. nice and helpful post Niesha with pics :))

    1. Thank you Natasha! :) Blending brush is one such brush that makes eye makeup a lot easier.

  6. Informative post hun...That actually covers all the brushes needed for gorgeous eye :)

  7. this is so helpful for beginners niesha! Such a great post!

  8. Very nice post Niesha!
    For a quick every day make up I use my fingers, but for a more formal look I prefer brushes.

    1. I use my fingers to pack the color on the lids and it actually works better at time than the brushes especially with the shimmery shades since with brushes fall outs can be more.
      thank you Demi!!!

  9. Nice job on the post learn a lot.

  10. Wow very helpful post Niesh will bookmark this page <3

  11. very informative post, you have explained it well.

  12. Wow really informative post Nieshu. I m bookmarking this.

  13. great post very helpful for beginners!

  14. u have covered so much of details. thanks for the post.

  15. You have covered so much of details. nice.

  16. A lovely guide. i have to buy few brushes soon and this will help! bookmarking it ! :)

  17. This is very helpful post for me dear :) I should get a angled brush soon! Nice clicks sweet <3

    1. Angled brush can serve a lot of purpose. :)

  18. Awesome post Neish, as I'm planning to learn eye makeup, I so needed this guide, this post came so much in time, love you for thinking to post this, I'm bookmarking it.

    1. These are basic brushes that can give you good eye looks. there is no need to buy tons of brushes.:))

  19. woow.. lovely post Niesha.. very informative and u expained everything so precisely.. <3 <3 it!!

  20. Lovely Post dear! Yopu have listed out so many tips here, I am gonna save this post..You're the best :)

  21. Great post Niesh :)
    It had to come from a pro at eye make-up like you :) I have all those brushes :D
    Love :*

  22. Great post! I need to get a good blending brush soon!

  23. Awesome post !! very useful for beginners like me.

  24. Great post Nieshu and would be really helpful for anyone trying to buildup their brush collection.

  25. Awesome post niesha...
    Thanks for sharing..

  26. nice post Neisha :) which eyeliner brush is that??

    1. Thank you Ray!! :) It was in the 20 pc brush set that I bought from buyincoins.


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