Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume Review - Indian Beauty Forever
Thursday, 28 November 2013

Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume Review

Hi Everyone!!
I will review a perfume today which is Avon’s latest launch called Little Gold Dress. Their Little black dress has been here for quite a long time and is one of their popular fragrances.
The other days, I was checking their brochure and their tea tree purifying range looks promising to me which I would like to try next. Tea tree products suit me and works well for combination skin like me. let me know how's that, if anyone of you have used it. 
Anyways, moving on with the little Gold dress here. by the way I like the name!!
Price- 1199 INR for 50 ml. You can get Avon products through a representative or  eBay.in
Ingredients- Ethyl Alcohol, water, Fragrance, Diethylphthalate. 
You can see rest of the details in the pictures.

avon little gold dress perfume
Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume

Avon Little Gold dress comes in a rectangular/ cuboidal glass bottle with it’s front and back curved a bit and a solid sparkling gold finish cap with top full of gold glitters as you can see in the pictures. The perfume bottle is there in the usual cardboard box like we see with most of the products especially fragrances. The fragrance is colorless like water and glass bottle helps you check how much is left. Overall, Packaging is simple, decent and looks good.

avon little gold dress perfume
Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume
avon little gold dress perfume
Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume
avon little gold dress perfume
Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume

avon little gold dress perfume
Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume

When I first sprayed it on my wrist, I really liked its tempting citrusy, sweet smell which I personally like a lot. It smells citrus fruit like first and then notes of mild sweetness that makes the combined effect of the fragrance very elegant and pleasant for me.
After a couple of minutes, when it starts reacting with my skin, it smells more sweet than citrusy. From here on, the citrusy notes take a back seat allowing the other notes to flourish. I like this dominant yet delicate sweet fruity smell phase than the previous one when I just sprayed it. It is exactly as per my liking.  
I realized that the spray pump is a little hard and squirts with more than usual pressure. I have no idea, if it's with this pack only or with every piece.

I didn’t feel that at any given point of time or till the time it was there on me, I felt uncomfortable or dizzy or even the people around me were bothered in that sense. In fact, someone asked me, which fragrance is that? may be the person herself would be a fab of fruity ones.
When it starts to subside, it smells the same though the intensity obviously reduced. It stays around 3-4 hours on me and for the next hour approximately, a mild subtle fragrance (body butter kinda) lingers on my skin before it actually reaches a stage where only very faint smell is left. So, in total around 5 hours.

Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume
Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume

I would call this perfume as an everyday sweet smelling fruity fragrance that would be liked by people who love such fruity fresh luscious fragrance.

Read: Avon Instinct perfume
Rating- 4 out of 5 (-1 for the staying power)

Take- Avon Little Gold dress has a predominantly sweet fruity notes that is appropriate for women who are inclined more towards fruity fragrances than any other. It’s perfect for day time, work etc and affordable price makes it a decent everyday perfume.
Staying power can be average, so if it doesn't bother then, do try Little gold dress (perfume) with your Little black dress.

PR Sample though review honest as always!!
Avon Little Gold Dress Perfume Review Reviewed by Niesha on 3:28 pm Rating: 5 Hi Everyone!! I will review a perfume today which is Avon’s latest launch called Little Gold Dress . Their Little black dress has been he...


  1. ur pictures are always soooo gorgeous!

  2. I have the Little White Dress perfume and I quite like that. This one sounds worth a try too! Nicely reviewed :)

    1. I want to try Little white dress, In fact I was tempted while checking the brochure itself. :)
      Thank you swati!

  3. Looks nice, I have body lotion from this range which is just awesome.

    1. I saw their body lotions and will be trying them soon! :)

  4. Love the pics Neisha! The perfume sounds nice <3

  5. Seems amazing like the other two variants! :)

  6. Love the bottle it will be a great gift too. Happy Monday doll.

    1. Absolutely dear!! happy Monday to you too! :)

  7. I love fruity notes during summer :) This seems to be a nice one...

  8. i love their LBD... have not tried this yet.. nice review n clicks Niesha :)

  9. Awww such a cute name. Will love to try it :)

  10. looks nice..would love to try...
    pics r really beautiful <3<3...:*
    great review niesha

  11. loved the pics....looks nice..would love to try..
    great review sweethrt <3<3

  12. Niesha, I loved LBD perfume, I'd like to try this! I have used the tea tree range and I'd say it is pretty decent. :)

    1. Aww Thank you dear!! I will try the tea tree one then. :) LBD was good too. :)

  13. Hey I luv fruity fragrances itz very sweet girly, good review

  14. Fragrance is a very personal affair! like your review!

  15. Beautifully reviewed Niesh :) The way you have explained in details - Sounds Divine to me ;)

  16. love its packaging and your review

  17. Loved the pics ! well reviewed dear :)

  18. Very nice review and I agree their little black dress is quite famous. I too love citrusy fragrances. 3 hours stay is below my expectations :) I would give this a skip.

    1. Citrusy fragrances can be really good during the summers to give a refreshing boost of energy kinda feel. :) Overall it's okay, but then after then we need to spray again!:)

  19. I have tried LBD and LWD ...but yes avon perfumes have very less staying power

    1. I would like to try Little white dress too!! Most of them around this price range are like that.

  20. i surely need to buy this now! :-*

  21. Oooh, packaging looks pretty. Sad it doesn't last longer, but still a great perfume.

  22. Lovely piccha and review hun...I love the LBD so would love to try this too :)

  23. Amazing clicks Niesha! I have used this perfume and i loved it!

  24. Nice review Niesha :) I had LBD ..

  25. Although I have used many Avon products, I haven't tried this perfume.
    It sounds pretty good!
    Great review!

  26. Hah, I immediately had to think of Guerlain's La Petite Robe Noire... :-) Do you think it's a coincidence? Sounds like a nice enough fragrance!

  27. though I can make out it won't stay for long but the way u have explained the notes on an hourly basis even I am thinking to try this out.

    1. If that's the case then go ahead. It's a good combination of citrusy and sweet fragrance.

  28. You always click beautiful Pics Niesha <3 nice review :) this one sounds pretty nice <3

  29. Seems Like a Winter Fragrance To me! The Pics Are So Pretty :)


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