L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches - Indian Beauty Forever
Wednesday, 4 September 2013

L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches

L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review
Hello my friends!!
Being an eye makeup enthusiast I like trying different eye shadow colors when I spotted this eye shadow palette a couple of weeks ago, I really wanted to try it and the fact that it was affordable and colors look really pretty, it was hard to resist it.:D 

L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches
L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches
It’s from the brand L.A colors, earlier I saw this brand on Urbantouch.com in India and the prices were reasonable else the stuff that has been imported from U.S have sky high prices at times. 

If you don't mind paying the shipping then L.A color products are also avalable on cherryculture, beautyjoint etc.

L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches
L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches
L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches
L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Ingredients

This palette is called dreamy which consists of 6 colors and a sponge tip applicator. By the way do you use sponge tip applicator to apply eye shadow on your lids? Well! I don’t. I find these a bit messy; I think a flat shader brush works better for me.
The colors it has got consists of a silvery white which has fine shimmers making it perfect as a highlighter and  browbone color, Light peachy, dark peach color and then in the second row it starts with  a very light pink, a darker pink and then a beautiful plumy pink color which is my favorite from this palette. It’s so beautiful and creates a subtle plumy look. :D

These eye shadows are very soft and very very easy blendable, which I would say is their best part. All the shadows are shimmery but still can be used during the day time as the colors are subtle and not really harsh. You can use this to create so many wearable looks and those of you who like lighter shades and nothing overly colorful then, it is for you.

L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches
L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches

Pigmentation is decent but when you use them over eye shadow primers the pigmentation increased drastically as they are very soft in texture like I said so when they are given a sticky base then they shows off an intense rich looking color. Just like the pigmentation, staying power is decent as well and can be enhanced with primers.

Fall outs are there but not much so you have to be careful while applying these as fall outs may be less but these are shimmery pearly colors so can be difficult to get rid of. I use some loose powder underneath the eyes so that whenever there is fall out I could quickly dust them off with my angled brush.. This is my tip to get a clean looking under eye area. :D

Have a look at the swatch below with and without flash.

L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches
L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches

L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches
L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches
Comes with a sponge tip applicator if you need something to apply these with.
Packaging looks great and is very compact that can be carried in small bags as well.
Six beautiful and wearable colors to choose from
Decent pigmentation and staying power
Colors blend very easily due to their soft texture
These colors can be very good for daily wear or day time wear, perfect for those who love subtle colors
Complete list of ingredients mentioned

Some fall outs are there

Rating- 4.5 out of 5

My take- Great palette with subtle wearable decently pigmented colors suitable for day time and daily wear even to office. If love eye makeup and need a palette with beautiful pearly colors like these, then definitely go for it!!
L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review and swatches Reviewed by Niesha on 11:55 am Rating: 5 L.A Colors 6 colors eye shadow palette Review Hello my friends!! Being an eye makeup enthusiast I like trying different eye shadow...


  1. i love it :) nice review :) waiting for your EOTD now ....:( plz post it soon

    1. Thank you so much Kiran!:) Will do it soon dear! was really busy yesterday.:)

  2. lovely shades niesha...i saw here it for 1 pound !!

    1. Thank you Preeti!! :) I know dear, it is really cheap but here it was for 350rs..still affordable!! :)

  3. LA colors are sold in US dollar stores for just a dollar :P these r nice for everyday bt wish there was no fall out... nice review Niesha :)

    1. You are right Nats.:) these imported stuffs are very highly priced. even four times than the actual price.
      thank you dear! :)

  4. Lovely shades Niesha. nice review.

  5. I love the dark shades..grgs palette..waiting for ur EOTD...:)
    Great review dear ♥

    1. Thank you Tej!! :) will do an eye makeup look with this palette on this coming weekend.:)

  6. The 3 shade and all the pinks are gorgeous.. it is such a lovely palette.!!
    but where are your eyes.. :P :P

    1. I loved theplummy and peachy pink shades.:))
      I will do an eye makeup soon dear!:)

  7. Nice Review , I love all the shades :)

  8. So beautiful shades Niesha,but where's the eotd Miss Beautiful Eyes ?

    1. Aww thank you Navneet! :) I will do an eye makeup with this palette this weekend. :)

  9. beautiful shades !!!!!!!!!!!!

  10. The palette is really beautiful with all wearable shades but i wish it is available online in Indian website :( waiting for ur lovely eotd :)

    1. I wish the same Sam! :) I will soon update the eotd here.:)

  11. Nice review Niesha, Affordable and lovely shades too :)

  12. pink theme palette, nice shades

  13. Stunning shades Niesha :) An EOTD please ;)

  14. I love LA Palettes...These are so affordable...Available really is an issue but..Great Review as always dear...Would love to see an Eye makeup tutorial with these... :)

    1. Absolutely Richa they are very affordable.:)
      Thank you so much dear! I will do eotds soon with this.:)

  15. I loved how subtle the shades are..its a steal..nice review :)

    1. Thank you Aditi!.:) yes its a total steal.:)

  16. I really like the shades, I'm a huge fan of pinks, peaches and cranberries, so beautiful on everyone! I'm so glad you don't turn away when you see more cheap products because this is a gem!

    1. I am with you! even I like pinks and peaches. I like products that can justify the price I paid and it's one of them. :)

  17. I like the shades and the price is good too :)

  18. The colours are so pretty! I'm sure you'll do a fantastic EOTD with these.

  19. All the shades r gorgeous Nieshu!

  20. Nice palette. And I have to agree - shades are wearable! :) Great review!

  21. lovely shades dear!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. The colors are so pretty, somehow such pinks remind of blushes ...esp the 3rd, 5th and the 6th shades :) I have a trio neutral palette from LA Colors, my bhabhi got for me from abroad. I agree these are very soft to touch.

    1. :D absolutely they look like blushes. they are very soft Gagan! and blends like butter.lol :D

  23. the colors are so pigmented!!..and quality seems excellent!lovely pics+review

  24. Wow tempting to buy Niesh Lovely shades and review dear :)

  25. I Love The Shades!! Where Did You Buy This From?
    And, For How Much?

    Waiting For The EOTD!:)

    1. I got it from yebhi.com but I think they don't have these now.
      Will do it soon dear! :))

  26. Alluring shade TBH .. Beautifully reviewed Niesh :)
    I'm waiting for those beautiful EOTDs :)

    1. Thank you Vipra!! sure dear. I will do it asap! :))

  27. Wow, all shades are so girly and beautiful! The price is so reasonable too<3 Can't wait to see these shades on your lovely eyes sweetie <3

    1. True dear!! Price is affordable for such pretty colors na!:)
      aww thank you, will do it soon.:))

  28. We get this palette here in our dollar store for just $1, was always very adamant to buy it...Vl definitely chek it out now!

    1. You are right Rachna!! They are value for money!

  29. Its affordable and all colours are looking good :)

  30. Great review..Loved the shades!!!!!!!

  31. they look so pigmented... I love wearing such pink shadows .... great review sweets :)


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