Avon foot works cracked heel cream review - Indian Beauty Forever
Tuesday, 9 October 2012

Avon foot works cracked heel cream review

Avon foot works cracked heel cream review

Guest post by- Shabby
Hello friends,
Our feet go through a wear and tear everyday and thus they become rough and cracked. Everyone wants soft smooth feet. Well today’s product will help you get rid of those nasty Cracked Heels for sure.

Price- 50ml –Rs 79 (Old Price .Check out new price from current month Avon Catalogue HERE)
Shelf Life -3 Years

What the Product Claims- Cracked heel cream restores cracked skin to its normal healthy state, transforming rough skin to smooth and supple. Also contains 24 hour plus moisturization.
How to Use- Apply cracked Heel Cream to affected heel area 3-4 times daily. 

My experience-I feel this is a very nice product. My mother had severe cracked heels and upon applying this twice daily her cracked feel became quite normal in 3weeks only. I had a bit dry skin on my heels and this helped me too. So I think this is a decent product and everyone with a Cracked Heel problem should give this a try.
I suggest you use this one after soaking feet in warm water for 10 minutes and then scrubbing the heel area with a pedicure file to get rid of the dead skin. This will make the results quicker.

Decent Price
Comes in an easy to use tube
Is creamy so is easy to use
This cream is easily absorbed in skin
Has a smell but it’s not too overpowering like the Crack cream ones
Available only through AVON Representative
Is a bit greasy. After a few hours of application this makes my feet oily, for this I use it only at night.
My take - I think this one is a decent product  .When using this cream please make sure you have scrubbed and exfoliated your feet skin with a pumice stone or a pedicure foot file after soaking feet in a hot water tub for 10 minutes. This will help the cream work better and will show the results faster.
My rating- 3.5 out of 5

About the writer
Shabby is a simple bengali girl who loves her culture and heritage. She is also the owner of the blog Makeup lovers.

Visit her blog to check out some interesting posts coming up. 

Avon foot works cracked heel cream review Reviewed by Niesha on 1:11 pm Rating: 5 Avon foot works cracked heel cream review Guest post by- Shabby Hello friends, Our feet go through a wear and tear every...


  1. nice review shabby... will have to find an avon rep to get this!!.. currently using fab india avocado cream :)

  2. I liked the review ! whn it comes to footcare , I prefer avon or oriflame..

    1. Same here Tanmayee.. even i have used Oriflame foot cream.:)

    2. I loved this one . .Will try Oriflame one too . .:)

  3. Nice Review... :) Shabby
    Niesha How r u doing?

  4. Great review! Will pass on to my Mum!

    Sita & Radha xoxo

  5. nice review dear..this is good for coming winter..currently i am using oriflame foot cream..

    1. I am yet to try that one. You can give this one a try. It works very well .


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