I hauled with snapdeal.com my experience - Indian Beauty Forever
Sunday, 7 October 2012

I hauled with snapdeal.com my experience

Shopping experience with snapdeal.com

Hello Friends,
We all are aware about online shopping site snapdeal.com. Aren't we??? with so many ads running on T.V
This was the first time, I have shopped with them and it was a good experience.
I ordered Deborah Milano kajal pencil inwhite and Incolor single eyeshadow in wine.

You may refer snapdeal.com as your online shopping mall as it has everything that you would want right from shoes, apparels, gadgets, sports wear to cosmetics, health and living products. they have almost everything !!
It was the Deborah Kajal pencil because of which I decided to try them But In one word they are impressive in their services.:D
My products came in this white box white snapdeal written all over and I am impressed by the delivery time and how safely and securely all the products were packed so that there should be any damage. Moreover, there were small air bags that acts like cushion to protect the products!
It was a good experience  more like the way we have with most of the online shopping site but I was more concerned that it should not be bad.
I chose cash on delivery so can not say whether it is safe for online payment or not.
But it should be hopefully.:D
and definitely I will shop from them, I fact I have already placed an order! 

Excuse any typos and mistakes.:P 
I hauled with snapdeal.com my experience Reviewed by Niesha on 8:03 pm Rating: 5 Shopping experience with snapdeal.com Hello Friends, We all are aware about online shopping site snapdeal.com. Aren't we??...


  1. niesha darling...so many hauls..nice..;)

  2. Wow...it's nice niesha...review plz..

  3. Itss wowwwwwwww..
    waiting fr reviews...

  4. Even I shopped some novels with them around six months back..At that time they had bid discounts but they took a week to deliver unlike flipkart that delivers in 2-3 days..Since then I haven't shopped with them again.

    1. ohh they might have but I got it in 2-3 days may be they have improvised .:)

    2. That's strange Harshita, because I have ordered several books from Snapdeal and I have received them really fast, like in two days max. May be yours is an exceptional case :(

  5. It's good everything went fine. Enjoy the things you bought!

  6. I did my first online shopping at Snapdeal but I had purchased salon deals and it was good.
    But when I bought MTV sunglasses with free MTV watch, both were faulty. They shipped almost after 15 days. Customer care is good for nothing and money back process took one month.
    Now no more snapping a deal with Snapdeal :)

    1. ohh Is it???.. Then i must thank god that i had a good experience, and my goods arrived well in time and intact.:)

  7. Thanx for sharing this Niesha, I was little skeptical about the site...

  8. wow..awesome haul..i was searching for snap deal purchase experience cz i wntd to haul from them bt ws litl worried..glad i read this..thnk u 4 sharing <3

    1. Thank you Ishwarya.. hope it will be helpful for you!


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