How to take care of your Lips Tips and Tricks - Indian Beauty Forever
Wednesday, 17 October 2012

How to take care of your Lips Tips and Tricks

Guest Post by- Ishwarya Laxmi

Many of us spend loads of amount for buying make up and cosmetics. We give so much attention to our face, but how many of us really take care of our lips? Our lips need just as much care as the rest of our skin because even our lips are tend to irritations due to tip of the tongue, food etc.
In the busy schedules of our day to day life, we almost neglect the lip care part. Our lips are often overlooked or downright neglected.

I am here with this simple article to discuss how to get beautiful, soft, supple and moisturized lips.
Keep reading to find out how to fight off some of the most common lip problems.
These lip care tips can help you improve the look and feel of your lips:-
1. Lips don't have oil glands, so in order to prevent them from drying we need to keep them moisturized. Use a chap stick with SPF factor in it.

2. Eat healthy diet for healthy looking lips. Intake of food with vitamins B and E can help us achieve the same.
3. Use the right quality lip balms. Products with beeswax, essential oils are great for keeping our lips hydrated.
4. Use a lipstick that suits you. Be careful while selecting. And find out what works for you like creamy or matte.
5. Do not use cheap quality or smelly products on your lips.
6. If you want to make your lipstick last longer, apply a some foundation before using lipstick. Use lip balm as a base for your lipstick. 
7. Dedicate a few minutes a day to lip therapy. Lips get exercise that way and they will be in proper shape and it also improves circulation.
8. Massage the lips with Vitamin E oil or olive oil once a week.
9. Exfoliate your lips. Dip a plain baby toothbrush in petroleum jelly, then use it to remove all the dead skin off your lips. You can use a mixture of honey and sugar too. Exfoliating will leave them smoother and make them look healthier.
10. Avoid licking the lips. It’s a bad habit like biting the nails.
11. Always carry lip balm in your handbag.

Last but not the least; do not forget to remove the lip makeup before you sleep.
Hope you enjoyed the tips and hope they were helpful. Please share your views too.

How to take care of your Lips Tips and Tricks Reviewed by Niesha on 12:54 pm Rating: 5 Guest Post by- Ishwarya Laxmi Many of us spend loads of amount for buying make up and cosmetics. We give so much attention to our fac...


  1. Itz very informative..I liked it...

  2. i will remember all d tips..

    1. thnk u so much..ur words are encouraging :)

  3. Very nice and informative post Iswarya!
    I will keep in mind since i have got dry lips!

    1. thnk u so much for posting it & inspiring me <3 <3 means a lot to me

    2. My pleasure dear and infact it was quiet useful and helpful article.

  4. wow..awesum post iswarya..i alwyz use olive oil for my eyes because its good to massage to get rid of dark circles..will do on lips too n exfiolaiting is good idea...
    very nice review...

  5. Wowww super Tips....Useful one Ish :)

  6. Really useful tips Iswarya....will keep these in mind... :)

  7. The tips are so helpful.. will try them asap :D
    xoxo <3

  8. This is a great post! Some great tips, I really ignore my lips, but after reading this post definitely going give them some TLC!

  9. Cooooool...those tips are really handy people should know about this.

  10. useful post ish..thanks for sharing

  11. Great tips!

    Radha xoxo


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