3 Easy Ways to Cure Dandruff at Home - Indian Beauty Forever
Tuesday, 2 October 2012

3 Easy Ways to Cure Dandruff at Home

Guest post by Akanksha
Hi Everyone,
In this article I am going to share some of my easy ways to cure dandruff at home. If you do not want to invest in the expensive salon treatments and want to use only natural products then you can try out these home remedies which are not only effective but also inexpensive. The ingredients are almost daily used in our kitchens or can be easily bought from the market.

Remedy 1:

Ingredients: Ginger, beet root and vinegar.
Procedure: Peel 50gms of ginger, grate/grind it and then squeeze to take the juice in a bowl. Peel 1 small beet root, grate/grind it and then squeeze to take the juice in a separate bowl. Take 5 tea spoons of ginger juice, 5 teas spoons of beet root juice and 5 tea spoons of vinegar and mix in a bowl. Using a cotton ball apply the mixture on the scalp. Leave the mixture on the scalp for 2 hours to dry. Wash with plain water. This can be followed with shampoo and conditioner if it makes your hair a bit hard.
Please note that the ratio of all the three ingredients should be the same while mixing. This is the most effective remedy that works for my stubborn dandruff :D. I came to know about it on an ayurvedic program of one of the news channels.

Remedy 2:
Ingredients:  Curd and lemon

Depending upon the length of the hair, take a bowl of curd and squeeze the lemon juice in it. Mix well. Partition the hair and using hair pack brush apply the mixture on your hair ensuring that it reaches the scalp. Clutch you hair and wrap it in a shower cap and let it stay for 30 minutes. Wash with normal water and follow with shampoo and conditioner. The bacteria in the curd will act as anti-dandruff agent and critic acid present in the lemon will help in removing the dandruff flakes.

If curd is sour then lemon can be avoided. So next time if you find that the curd has turned sour you can apply it to you scalp. Using curd also helps in conditioning of the hair. Hence it can be used as anti-dandruff treatment and conditioner also. This is my Dadi’s nuskha.

Remedy 3:

Ingredients: Garlic and olive oil.

If you use olive oil for oiling your hair then this remedy will work wonders for the dandruff. Grate few cloves of garlic, squeeze and take out the juice in a bowl and keep it aside. Take the olive oil in a bowl and heat it till it becomes luke warm. Add 3-4 tea spoons of garlic juice to the oil and apply to the scalp using a cotton ball or your fingers. Wrap the hair in a shower cap and keep for 30-40 minutes. Wash with shampoo followed by a conditioner.

The anti-bacterial property of garlic helps in removing the dandruff and olive oil conditions the hair. This remedy can be tried on days when you want to wash your hair because the strong smell of garlic will leave the hair stinky. So you have to necessarily shampoo your hair after this. Olive oil can be also substituted with any other oil which you use for oiling your hair.
3 Easy Ways to Cure Dandruff at Home Reviewed by Niesha on 11:41 pm Rating: 5 Guest post by Akanksha Hi Everyone, In this article I am going to share some of my easy ways to cure dandruff at home. ...


  1. wowww wonderful remedies...
    Niesha thank you for sharing...
    :) :)

    1. thanx Nandini...first one works great for me

  2. Hi Neisha I have got an Award for you in my blog... here...


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    1. Thank you Nandini.:)
      i have already seen that ,<3

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you Preethi, it was done by Akanksha, so the credit goes to her.:)

  4. wowww...thanksssssss yaaaarr...
    dese tips r so handy..i will use them..
    <3 <3

  5. though I dont have such issues, but I have seen curd work very well to cure dandruff!

    1. yes it works as conditioner too :)

  6. A very helpful post.
    will surely try it out :D
    xoxo <3


  7. Great post! Thanks for sharing the tips!

    Radha xoxo

  8. Good to Know tipS and Info Akanksha.:)


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