Nail Paint Swatches- Maybelline and Faces - Indian Beauty Forever
Thursday, 7 June 2012

Nail Paint Swatches- Maybelline and Faces

Hello all,

As i have already informed you that Puja from Cutenails had organized nail art contest few weeks ago and She has sent some goodies for those of us who participated.
Thanks a lot Puja..

Here are my goodies-

Maybelline Nail paint Coral chic
Faces canada nail paint in Teal

and here are the swatches..

Excuse me its a single coat and third day nails.

Nail Paint Swatches- Maybelline and Faces Reviewed by Niesha on 11:30 pm Rating: 5 Hello all, As i have already informed you that Puja from Cutenails had organized nail art contest few weeks ago and She has sent some go...


  1. The colors are just gorgeous, I especially like the green one. I am now following you on GFC, I hope you will follow me back.

  2. Single Coat? Third Day??

    1. yup that right Rhea.. this faces teal is like above expectation.. but not everone from this range though.


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