10 Tips and tricks for Mascara application - Indian Beauty Forever
Thursday, 11 October 2012

10 Tips and tricks for Mascara application

Mascara is one product that not only makes your eye lashes look thicker and longer but, it also makes your eyes more appealing. 
Eye makeup can not be completed without using mascara. It is a product that does not look too obvious, still brings a huge change.

Here are some tips that can be really helpful in properly applying mascara.

1. Start by curling with an eyelash curler. You can either curl before or after applying mascara. I prefer doing it before.
2. Make sure to take the entire lash in the curler, hold it for 15 seconds and release. Take extra care while doing it as you don’t want your lash strands coming out with the curler.  
3. Take your favorite mascara and from the base or the roots of your lashes wiggle your mascara wand left and right. Try to look up in the mirror rather than looking straight while applying mascara.
4. Once you reach the tips of your lashes, give an upward twist to the wand to enhance the curl.
5.  When the first coat dries up, apply a second coat in the same manner.

6. If you see some clumps or globs, to remove them use a lash comb to separate each strand of your lashes. Reapply, if required.
7. Keep some Q tips handy so as to get rid of any smudge, while applying.
8. On the lower lash line application can be a bit tricky as there are more chances of smudge. To avoid that rather than holding the wand horizontally, hold it vertically and then apply with only the front tip.
9. Do not wiggle while applying on the lower lash line, just use vertically straight strokes.
10. Instead of a lash comb, you can also use a spooly or a clean mascara wand. 

10 Tips and tricks for Mascara application Reviewed by Niesha on 7:37 pm Rating: 5 Mascara is one product that not only makes your eye lashes look thicker and longer but, it also makes your eyes more appealing.  E...


  1. Very very informative tips Niesh :)

  2. yayyyyy..i loved every tip..
    one question when i see upward in mirror whi;e applying mascara sometimes the horizontal hairs touches my eye shadows.is it due to lack of practice?

    1. Thank you my dear!!
      Maybe I believe you have long lashes :)
      Look up only a bit though..:)

    2. Okieeeee sweetieeee..
      thank yuuuuu..<3 <3

  3. I love mascara and use my curler hamesha.but i apply second coat before d first one dries otherwise my lashes become too hard to coat.which is ur fav mascara?

    1. I also love Mascaras Raaga.
      My favorite are maybelline ones so far. Oriflame is good too.
      Love them!

  4. great tips hunny!!! thanks for sharing!

  5. nice tips niesha..i am scared of using curler..;)

    1. Thank you preethi, even i was earlier. :)

  6. Hello! would u like to follow each other via gfc? let me know!xx

  7. Woww so useful tips Niesha...for me what problem na...after applying mascara thr tip of the lash will touch my eyeshadow and spoil the whole eye make-up :(
    also I won't apply mascara for my under lash...

    1. I know Nandini, this is the most common mascara problem. Look up a bit and keep your hand steady! hope it helps..

    2. Yup Niesha I will do that...Taq :)

  8. Very informative post ..nice tips..

  9. I'm a total mascara addict. Can't step out of house without it. Thanx for the useful tips

    1. Is it??? then we are on the same boat, even i am a mascara and eyeliner addict!

  10. I simply loved each and every tip. Thanks a lot for sharing :)


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